Sunday, December 16, 2007

Small Thinking Never Grows The Soul

What is motivation? Why are we motivated? What is that voice in our heads trying to direct us? What makes us feel excited about our dreams? We all have dreams and aspire to be successful in life, but unless we apply action into achieving our goals, that may never happen. I know many of you have heard some of your friends or family talk constantly about being this or being that, or wanting to do this or wanting to do that, but what do you see them doing to get there? Okay for example, they talk so much about being a professional athlete, but they wake up at 10 am, don't go to the gym, nor do they practice proper eating habits. I am pretty sure you are well aware of those individuals who show so much passion for wanting to better their lives, but spend most of their "valuable time" at the club, in bed, or camped out in front of the T.V. for hours.

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS NOT SMOOTH AND WITHOUT POTHOLES! This is a major reason why many people are not successful in life or are stuck financially depending on their employer. If success were easy, everyone would be! One important factor to consider is how each of us defines success. What does success mean to us? Lets teach our children the truth about life, let's begin to teach them that success is something they have to take, because it will not be given to them. No one hands out success tickets! Let us teach our younger generation about putting action into their dreams and not settling for average. I once heard someone say that, "average is the best of the worst and the worst of the best". The steps they take in life are definitely important to teach them how to START & FINISH, but rather than thinking small, let them THINK BIG. If you are going to be a singer, athlete, business owner, teacher, politician, etc., strive to be at the #1 spot! This should be your motivation, dare not to be settled with being average. Grow strong so that others are motivated by your actions and not simply your words.

At DAASH, we understand the importance teaching our youth to strive for excellence. We are working everyday to organize mentors and programs for our athletes that will help them make their dreams become a reality.

Eze Ejelonu
DAASH Athletic Enterprises, Inc.

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